Resources for Dealing with COVID-19

The following updates and resources are provided to help guide your business decisions during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Some decisions will be judgement calls that only you, as the owner, can make.


New City of Austin/Travis County COVID-19 Authorizations and Signage Requirements

On January 13, 2022, the City of Austin and Travis County Judge issued new Orders identifying additional rights and obligations for businesses with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the new Order (effective January 17, 2022), properties (including self-storage facilities) within the City of Austin/Travis County that provide goods and services to the public are required to post two signs. If a property does not comply with the Orders, such violation will be considered a criminal offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000.

The first sign should be posted at the entry of the property to alert the public of any COVID-19-related health and safety requirements you plan to impose. Click here to download a template for this sign. The second sign must be posted in a conspicuous location recommending face coverings and getting vaccinated and boosted. Click here to download a template for this sign.

As of now, the Orders have not been challenged in court. However, a spokesman with the Texas Governor’s office has released a statement saying that the Governor’s previous executive orders “preempt” the City’s/County’s Orders. Because of this, we encourage members to keep up to date on local orders and court cases regarding such requirements as they are updated frequently. And we will update members if/when we become aware of any important changes.

Click here to read an analysis of the Order by Will Farnsworth, attorney and part of TSSA's Legal Counsel team.

Employment-Related Resources:

Facility owners are encouraged to monitor the Center for Disease Control (CDC) websites for best and recommended practices as well as current updates. Owners are also encouraged to discuss the COVID-19 situation with their employees and take appropriate precautions.

Best Practices for COVID-19 Preparedness (Posted on 4/29/2020)
Department of Labor Coronavirus Resources
Coronavirus FAQs for Employers
Keeping the Workplace Safe

Webinar Recordings:

Legal & Best Practices during the Pandemic Webinar
We virtually gathered self-storage facility owners/operators to discuss operational best practices and challenges in the wake of the pandemic. TSSA Legal Counsel Connie Heyer joined to offer guidance.
Adjusting for Survival during the Pandemic Webinar
We checked in with several self-storage facility owners and operators to continue the conversation on ever-evolving operational best practices and policy changes during the pandemic.
CARES Act and FFCRA Webinar
Three attorneys from Foley & Lardner, LLP, outlined the CARES Act & FFCRA and reviewed the basics of each program available to business owners impacted by the pandemic.